How do I change my paper's word count?


When you start an order and upload your file, we will automatically calculate your document's word count and price. Our website knows to omit the parts we don't edit, like your reference list and numeric table data. Our automatic word counter is a great way to help you order more quickly and ensure that you are charged correctly. 

However, we realize that you may wish to customize your word count because your paper contains sections that do not need to be edited. To do so, you will need to manually override the automatic word count. 

First, click Get Started in the top right-hand corner of your account homepage. Select your goals, upload your files, and click Next Step.

On the Manuscript Services page, if desired, change the automatically generated word count to the preferred word count and click the Confirm Details button:Word_Count_Screenshot_2023.png 

After confirming these details, the Manuscript Services page will display your order details, and you will be able to choose the editing or translation service that best meets your needs. You can still change your word count, if necessary, by clicking the Edit Details or Word Count link, which will return you to the previous page. Edit_Details_or_Word_Count_Screenshot_2023.png

If your word count and other details look correct, click the Next Step button and select any other services that you may need on the Additional Services page.

Finally, in the Optional Questions section of the Order Details page, include additional instructions to let the editors know what text has been excluded from your amended word count, as shown below:Additional_Instructions_Screenshot_2023.png


You are welcome to include any other important instructions in this box as well.

Continue with your order through the Payment Details and Order Completed pages, and we will begin working on your new order!



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