As peer review and the decision to publish are independent processes that occur at a journal, we are not able to guarantee that you will be published after you use our services.
All complete manuscripts submitted for our Standard and Premium Translation services are eligible to receive an AJE Editing Certificate. Standard Translation includes automation-enhanced translation, English Language Editing by one of our staff editors, and an Editing Certificate. Premium Translation includes professional translation, English Language Editing by one of our staff editors, an Editing Certificate, unlimited free re-editing of your English text for 3 years, and one additional free translation of up to 1500 new words. With either translation service, we guarantee that if you are not satisfied with your manuscript, or if your journal says that the English in your paper needs improvement, we will re-edit your document for free.
Please contact us if there are any problems with your translated manuscript and include specific examples (one or two sentences). If a journal mentions English as a problem, please include the file that you sent to the journal and all the comments from the journal.
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